Saturday, 28 September 2013


The running Stitch exhibition is now up and 'running'. If you would like to see it, it is on until Saturday 5th October at Solihull Library Arts Complex

A sample board of a piece of work from every member. I have really enjoyed making postcard sized pieces of work, some of which are for sale on the sales table, along with cards and hand dyed threads.
Time now to relax a bit - although I do need to start thinking about a piece for the Embroiderers' Guild Exhibition in November (only a few weeks away!)



Saturday, 21 September 2013

Nearly Ready

Only one day to go before setting up the Running Stitch Exhibition 'ROOTS' at Solihull Library Arts Complex. Have just been finishing off some cards and postcards to sell using the mono printed fabrics I printed last week. Here are some of the finished pieces.

more postcards
landscape cards

a few more

some black and white landscapes

Monday, 9 September 2013

Roots - An Exhibition by Running Stitch

The Running Stitch Textile Group is 10 Years Old and  will be holding an exhibition of new work from 24th September - 5th October at the Solihull Library Arts Complex, Solihull B91 3RG.
I have been busy creating some work based upon old family pictures, including several photographs taken by my father, a keen photographer.

This is one of my favourite photographs, taken by my father and shows my grandfather and myself walking across the fields near to Thurlaston village. One of my pieces for the exhibition is based upon this photograph.

I have been mono printing lots of fabric to use in the larger pieces of work and am busy using the left over pieces to make a few cards to sell at the exhibition.

They make great mini landscapes and with a bit of stitching added, can be quite effective.
I did start to run out of black and white fabric so got carried away printing some green and blue samples - not sure if I will have time to use these but they will come in useful some time!

Just need to sort out some packs of hand dyed threads now and then I will be ready.
If you miss the exhibition at the library, it will then be travelling round the local hospitals, starting with Heartlands sometime in October, followed by Good Hope and Solihull in the new year.