Our embroiderers' guild has started a new project for 2014 - making tactile books for blind and partially sighted children. The charity
Clearvision lends these books out to the children, after braille has been added to the stitched pages. Making these books is quite different to the textile books I have made in the past, where the visual look was all important. These books have to be made with quite different concepts in mind.
It has been quite a learning curve thinking of ways to introduce tactile and sound elements into the books.
Here is my first attempt.
It was really fun to make - I hadn't done any knitting for years so it was quite a change making the little knitted jacket. The books are quite addictive once you start - I have two more on the go at the moment!
There will be lots more photos posted on the Solihull E.G. blog over the next few months, so take a look there. solihullembroiderersguild.blogspot.co.uk