Tuesday 16 July 2013

Preparing Threads for Dyeing

Had a good day dyeing threads at the inspire group the other week and decided it was time to dye some more. I have used a lot in stitching lately and I am low on some colours.
The preparation is time consuming but it is worth it to prevent the threads tangling during the dyeing process.
If the threads are reasonably thick, I wind them into skeins, tie the loose ends together and then tie a different thread around the skein in at least 3 places (not too tight though as this may prevent the die penetrating and leave a white mark).

If the skein has more than about 20 wraps, tie them with a figure of 8 to help keep the threads apart and allow the dye to penetrate. The skeins can then be soda soaked in litter trays ready for dying.

If I am dyeing fine thread which is likely to tangle during dyeing process (to the point where you just want to throw it in the bin!), I use empty 2 pint plastic milk bottles. The thread can be tied to the handle to secure the ends and can remain on the bottles right through the dyeing, rinsing and drying processes. It is then easy to wind the thread off onto a spool/ cardboard tube etc. This process works well with natural fibres such as silk and wool as when wet, they will shrink onto the bottle and stay put. However, if you are using rayon or viscose, this tends to get heavier when wet and slides off the bottle. Best to use the skein method with these threads and dye in smaller amounts.

Just a few more bottles to go and then they will be ready for soaking.

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