Tuesday 13 August 2013

Gelli printing

I did treat myself to a Gelli printing plate at the West Midlands  Regional Day in June - so thought I had better have a go with it and see if it is really as good as the reviews say it is!

It certainly is easy to use and clean so does encourage you to get it out and have a go .
I used a selection of home made stamps, drawing directly onto the inked plate, commercial stamps, plastic doilies and lace to make the prints . I used acrylic paints with a bit of fabric medium for all the prints.
this print used home made stamps made from funky foam, wooden bird shapes from card making supplies, hand stitched flower stamp and a bit of drawing into the paint.

mainly mono printing - drawing into the paint with a plastic glue brush and a wooden flower stamp

A double print - end of a cork pressed into the paint on the first print. marks with a plastic glue spreader on the second print

The centre of the print is from a home made funky foam printing block. the flowers are from some wooden card making supplies.

 A print from a commercial rubbing block

Two prints using home made flower printing blocks - daisies cut from a mouse mat

print from a plastic doily - these proved really successful ( a charity shop buy that's definitely worth looking out for)

More plastic doily prints

A print from lace

The gelli plate is certainly easy to use. It makes a good print with some well defined detail and it cleans up really well. The only drawback is that it is only A4 size and with textiles, a larger print is often needed. I would definitely look out for the plastic doilies -they are great for printing.

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